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SAC CODE - 999113 : Public administrative services related to the more efficient operation of business.

GST RATE ON SAC CODE - 999113 IS 18%

Services Accounting Codes (SAC Codes) 999113 is used for the Public administrative services related to the more efficient operation of business. under Goods and Service Tax classification. SAC (Services Accounting Code) are used for the identification of the service. This service comes under heading Public administration and other services provided to the community as a whole; compulsory social security services.

How Services Accounting Codes (SAC Codes) 999113 - is Derived?

A uniform format is followed to generate the Service Accounting Code.

The first two digits are 99 always for services.

The next two digits 91 represent the major nature of service, Public administration and other services provided to the community as a whole; compulsory social security services in this case.

The next two digits 13 represent the detailed nature of service, Public administrative services related to the more efficient operation of business. in this case.

Explanation Of SAC CODE - 999113

This service code includes:
  1. public administrative services related to agricultural land management, agrarian reform and land settlement, stabilization of agrarian markets, veterinary affairs, pest control, forestry, fishing and hunting affairs, agricultural research and experimental development
  2. administrative services provided by government offices, bureaux and programme units concerning conservation of farmland, land reclamation, land improvement and expansion, supply of veterinary services to farms, eradication or control of pests, vermin, plant diseases or other destructive agents, crop inspection and grading
  3. public administrative services related to regulations governing forest operations, issuing of tree-felling licences, rationalization of forest resources, exploitation, reforestation work, operation and support of game preserves and fish hatcheries, development and monitoring of regulations, including the licensing of fishing and hunting
  4. support and information services for all the above-mentioned affairs
  5. administrative services provided by government offices, bureaux and programme units concerning solid fuel, including regulations concerning their exploitation or conservation; petroleum and natural gas; mineral fuel; nuclear and non-commercial fuel, including such fuels as alcohol, wood and wood waste, etc.
  6. support and information services for the above-mentioned affairs
  7. administrative services provided by government offices, bureaux and programme units concerning discovery, exploitation, conservation, marketing and other aspects of mineral production, including the development and monitoring of regulations concerning prospecting; mining and safety standards; activities designed to develop, expand and improve the position of manufacturing establishments; development and administration of regulations concerning building standards and issuing of occupation certificates; development and monitoring of regulations concerning safety on construction sites
  8. support and information services for the above-mentioned affairs
  9. public administrative services related to road and water transport, railway and air transport and communications
  10. administrative services provided by government offices, bureaux and programme units concerning planning, design, construction, maintenance and improvement of roads, highways and associated structures, roadbeds and associated structures, water transport facilities; railways; airport runways, terminals, hangars, air navigation aids;
  11. other fixed structures and equipment associated with air transport, pipelines and other facilities
  12. supervision and regulation of such work and development and administration of operational regulations for all the above-mentioned means of transport and related equipment
  13. public administrative services related to communications, i.e. postal, telephone, telegraph, cable and wireless communications systems and communications satellites
  14. public administrative services related to planning, development, functioning and improvement of communications systems
  15. public administrative services related to the development and administration of regulations for these systems
  16. support and information services for the above-mentioned affairs
  17. public administrative services related to the distributive trades, storage and warehousing and hotels and restaurants
  18. administrative services provided by government offices, bureaux and programme units concerning development and monitoring of regulations concerning wholesale and retail trade, consumer protection, price control and rationing schemes operating through retailers or wholesalers, storage and warehousing, hotel and restaurant operation
  19. public administrative services concerning the design and construction of restaurants, hotels and other accommodation
  20. support and information services for the above-mentioned affairs
  21. public administrative services related to tourism and tourism promotion
  22. administrative services provided by government offices, bureaux and programme units concerning advertising campaigns, dissemination of tourism information, other tourist support services
  23. administrative services provided by government offices, bureaux and programme units concerning the planning, design, construction, improvement and operation of multipurpose projects. Such projects typically consist of integrated facilities for power generation, flood control, irrigation, navigation and recreation.
  24. support and information services for the above-mentioned affairs
  25. administrative services provided by government offices, bureaux and programme units involving formulation of general economic policies, regulation or support of general economic activities, such as export and import trade as a whole, commodity and equity markets, overall income controls, general trade promotion activities, general regulation of monopolies and other restraints on trade and market entry, regulation, licensing and inspection of miscellaneous commercial services
  26. public administrative services related to the operation of patent, trademark and copyright offices, weather forecasting institutions, standardization institutions and similar institutions
  27. public administrative services related to the formulation and implementation of general labour policies and regulations, such as labour conditions; the operation of labour exchanges; the implementation of national and regional development policy measures to reduce unemployment and to stimulate labour mobility
This service code does not include:
  1. public administrative services related to mineral fuel :- 999113
  2. police traffic-control services on roads and waterways :- 999126
  3. tourism promotion services :- 998557
  4. visitor information services :- 998557