
Edumarshal is an advance and convenient school management system with eLearning Platform that offers more than 45 modules to manage schools or colleges. Customization options are also available as per the need of institute. A user friendly dashboard is provided in the software that saves time and money as well as there is no need to add data manually. Time and money can be saved and accurate real-time data can be provided on a click only to the authorized person. You can revolutionize the way you deliver education, improve stakeholder collaboration and decision making by using Edumarshal.

For detail features, demo & price please visit edumarshal website:

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Admissions Software

Admissions Software

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Class Registration Software

Class Registration Software

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Classroom Management Software

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Exam Software, Higher Education Software, K-12 Software

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Library Automation Software

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Student Engagement Platform

Student Engagement Platform

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Student Information System Software

Student Information System Software

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