Get details of IFSC code BKID0003818. This IFSC belongs to BANK OF INDIA of branch KERA.
IFSC Code | BKID0003818 |
Bank Name | BANK OF INDIA |
Branch | KERA |
City | KERA |
Address | OPP. S. T. BUS STANDKERA, |
District | KERA |
State | GUJARAT |
Contact | 2832282227 |
How to verify IFSC Code BKID0003818?
BKID0003818 is the IFSC Code for KERA branch of BANK OF INDIA. The best way to verify BKID0003818 IFSC code is your cheque book. All banks now print IFSC Codes on the cheque books and your account pass book will also have the IFSC Code printed.
Where is IFSC Code BKID0003818 Used?
IFSC Code BKID0003818 is used for online funds transfer via NEFT, RTGS amd IMPS to BANK OF INDIA Bank account. The address of KERA branch is OPP. S. T. BUS STANDKERA,, located in KERA District of GUJARAT State.
In BANK OF INDIA IFSC Code, the first 4 characters (BKID) represent the bank name, 5th character is 0 (ZERO), which is reserved for future use. The last 6 characters (003818) represent the BANK OF INDIA Bank branch code.